eBooks Reader App - Product Guide

Make the most of the eBooks Reader app with this 2-minute Quick Start Guide. Use the mouse wheel to scroll down or press Page Down to review all topics. The app provides a powerful eBook reader that supports popular digital publication formats including EPUB and MOBI. Enjoy an optimal reading experience with easy navigation combined with options for adjusting fonts, background color, margin, and etc.

How to open eBook Files

First, launch the eBook Reader Pro app:

  • Press the Windows key or click the Windows/Start icon
  • Type eBooks Reader and locate the app that comes up in the best match entries
  • Click the entry of the eBooks Reader app to launch the app

To open an eBook:

  • Click Open an eBook from the home page or from the side navigation menu bar
  • From the “Open Document” dialog box, navigate to the folder where you store the eBook file
  • Locate and select the eBook file and then click the Open button

Your eBook will be opened and displayed for reading.

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Supported eBook file formats

All eBooks Reader supports 4 of the most popular eBook file formats and growing:

EPUB: short for electronic publication, EPUB is a popular format for publishers and consumers. Although it is a standard digital publication format for many digital books and publications, EPUB is not supported by Amazon Kindle reader.

MOBI: an eBook file format originated from Mobipocket, a French company acquired by Amazon in 2005, MOBI contains both book contents and DRM copyright protection to deter unauthorized access.

AZW: based on the MOBI format, AZW is a proprietary format developed by Amazon for its Kindle readers in their earlier generations. It contains formatted book content and chapter marks.

AZW3: as Amazon’s successor to AZW, AZW3 is created with the latest KF8 (Kindle Format 8) specification. It supports newer formatting capabilities based on HTML5 and CSS.

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The eBook Viewer Window

All eBooks Reader - Viewer Window
Click the image to view in full size

The viewer window contains a rich set of features that are tucked away to make it easy for your reading experience:

Page Navigation: turn pages by clicking anywhere in the left/right quarter of a page as indicated by the illustration below.

Tools Menu: it contains a rich set of tools including Table of Contents, Search, Book Excerpt, Viewer Customization.

Location Indicator: With many different font choices and options for line spacing available, the Location Indicator helps keep track of your reading progress in a book in the absence of page numbers.

Return: to close the current book and go back to the main app window.

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How to use Table of Contents

For eBooks that support Table of Contents (TOC), like EPB files, you can jump to a specific section of the book through TOC entries. 

  • Locate the eBook Viewer Menu icon that looks like a hamburger icon (with three horizontal strips) in the eBook viewer window. There are two hamburger icons right next to each other. One is at the top of the side navigation menu bar, the other is to the right of it. Click the second hamburger icon.
  • This launches the Option flyout Window which contains the TOC, the search, the book information, and the Viewer settings.
  • The TOC area should be selected by default with its content already displayed. If not, click the TOC icon at the top of the Option flyout Window. 
  • Browse and navigate through the TOC entries. Locate a topic of your interest and click the entry of the topic to turn to the page. 

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